Welcome to Gothenburg and the archive for western Sweden.

The staff here are driven and maintain the highest level of customer service and quality.

En illustration av ljung
Depona Göteborg

Future Document Management in Gothenburg

The archive in Gothenburg is one of Depona’s largest and first opened in 1997.

In April 2014, we opened a new archive with greater capacity and even better security.

Like all Depona’s archives, it is climate-conditioned, has long experience of delivering orders quickly, and has its own logistics function.

Activities have been refined over many years and it has really delivered in the form of an archive that makes our customers very happy.

This is something we want more people to advantage of and if you have material to archive do not hesitate to contact us.

Archive consultant Gothenburg

Find an archive consultant for your company, organization in Gothenburg. An opportunity to acquire an experienced and trained archivist who can help you with your physical and digital archives on site.

Archives in Gothenburg, Götaland

Street address:
Orrekulla Industrigata 61
425 36 Hisings Kärra
Phone: +46 303-24 64 44
E-mail: info.goteborg@depona.se