Scanning – Technical scanning of documents and drawings.
Depona offers a comprehensive solution for digitizing physical material with the highest quality, where we handle the entire digitization project in-house without subcontractors.
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Complete comprehensive solution
Depona is one of Sweden’s leading companies in digitizing all types of physical information carriers where the highest technical standards are required for the result. Our specialty is scanning of drawings, maps, technical documentation, books, and all formats of picture cards, microfilm, and microfiche. We also scan all types of photographs and film negatives as well as X-ray films in the highest possible resolution.
Customized solutions
With the assistance of our system developers, we can create customized solutions to meet the goals and visions for your future information management. In addition to our own software, we collaborate with several developers of digital e-Archives and drawing management programs. Together, we select the most advantageous option.
Depona collaborates with over 80 municipalities, where we perform ongoing scanning of building permit and environmental permit cases, as well as property drawings. We are responsible for digitization for several consulting firms and companies in the construction industry.
Depona also has extensive knowledge, years of experience, and technical capacity for all types of assignments.
We offer the following services in scanning:
- Planning and Project Management
- Archive Consultation for document preparation (including possible disposal, etc.) on-site at your location. We offer archive consultants in several cities.
- Packing
- On-Site Scanning: We come to the customer for document scanning. For companies/public administrations where information, for security reasons, cannot leave the office, known as on-site scanning.
- Transportation
- Preparation for digitization
- Digitization of all known formats of drawings, documents, microfilm media, and photographs.
- Digital Archive in a secured server environment.
- Software for drawing management
- Physical Archive Management in accordance with RA:FS 2013:4 (National Archives’ Regulatory Collection).
- Backup through time-resistant secure copies and archive management of digital files on COM film (Computer Output Microfilm).